County Clerk Holly Wilde-Tillman

Office of the County Clerk

Holly Wilde-Tillman



County Clerk and Recorder Fee Increase Effective July 1, 2023


Information on births and deaths which occurred outside Hancock County:

Illinois Department of Public Health

605 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, illinois 62702-5097
Phone 217-782-6553
website: idph.state.ia.uslvitalrecords

Iowa Department of Public Health

Bureau of Health Statistics
Lucas State Office Building
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-5097
Phone 515-281-4944

Missouri Department of Public Health

Bureau of Vital Records
P.O. Box 570
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone 573-751-6387

Birth, death, or marriage must have occurred in Hancock County.

Search Hancock County Vital Records: (Online marriage begin in 1885, birth 1889, and death 1916)

  1. Costs for certified copies of birth certificates, death certificates,
    or marriage certificates: first copy is $16. Each additional copy is $11.
  2. Make checks payable to Hancock County Clerk. Money orders and cash are accepted. No debit cards or credit cards
  3. Walk-ins may come to County Clerk’s Office, Courthouse, 500 Main, Room 7, Carthage.
  4. Mail-in requests must be sent to Hancock County Clerk, P.O. Box 39, Carthage, lllinois 62321. Enclose payment and a self addressed, stamped envelope. Requests must be signed that this is a request for the birth copy.
  5. Birth Certificates – must be requested by person himself or herself or a parent. Walk-ins complete a form while certified copy is being made. If this is a request for birth for genealogy purposes we need proof of death. Mail-in requests must include:
    1. Name at birth.
    2. Date of birth.
    3. Place of birth (must be in Hancock County, typically Carthage or LaHarpe.
    4. Father’s name.
    5. Mother’s maiden name.
  6. Death Certificates
    1. Walk-in or online.
    2. Decedent’s name.
    3. Date of death.
  7. Marriage Certified Copy
    1. Walk-in or online.
    2. Groom’s name and bride’s maiden name.
    3. Date of ceremony.
    4. Certified Copy cannot be requested until the marriage takes place.
  8. Vital records can be requested online by using (Official Records Online). This is a safe, fast, and efficient way to receive your vital records by using your credit or debit card to purchase. Records will be sent via USPS and additional service fees will be applied.
    Official Records Online is an independent company and our selected partner providing vital record ordering services when payment is made by credit card, expedited delivery is required, or order is placed by fax or email. Additional service fees will be applied.


Due to the cost and the inability to re-purpose the state-mandated security paper used to issue vital records, once an order for certificate copies is processed,  our office cannot offer any refunds.


  1. Deeds, mortages, releases, surveys, lis pendens, notices, etc.
  2. Cost for all documents is $91 and non-standard documents are $128.00 if the document meets the following guidelines:
    1. Letter size paper, 8 1/2 ” by 11″. The base fee is $91 if the documents is on legal paper the fee is $128.00.
    2. UCC – Originals, Continuations, Amendments, and Terminations $80.00
  3. Walk-ins may come to County Clerk’s Office, Courthouse, 500 Main, Room 7, Carthage. Recording is done promptly, and the document is immediately returned to you.
  4. Mail-in requests must be sent to Hancock County Recorder, P.O. Box 39, Carthage, Illinois 62321. Enclose payment and a self addressed, stamped envelope.

Marriage License Application

  1. Marriage license guidelines follow:
    1. The wedding must occur in Hancock County.
    2. The license fee is $75. Checks payable to Hancock County Clerk, money orders and cash are accepted. No debit cards or credit cards. Individuals must appear even if you apply online.
    3. The couple must get the license from the Hancock County Clerk at least one day before the marriage ceremony, no more than sixty days before the ceremony. Individuals must appear even if you apply online.
    4. Licenses are issued between 8:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. weekdays, except holidays.
    5. Both the bride and groom must appear at the county clerk’s office to show ID and sign the application before the license can be issued.
    6. If either person is under 18, Illinois law requires consent of both parents.
  2. Information required:
    1. Names of parties parents. The state each parent was born in.
    2. Parties date and place of birth.
    3. Occupation
    4. Number of years of school parties have completed.
    5. Race.
    6. If previously married, the date and jurisdiction where dissolved. If widowed, the date the spouse died.
  3. Marriage Application Portal:
  4. Your marriage license will not be valid until the following day after you have appeared in the Hancock County Clerks Office and signed.