Office of the County Treasurer
Kristine Pilkington
2024 Real Estate Tax Bills
2023 Property taxes payable in 2024 for Hancock County will be mailed July 5, 2024. Due dates will be August 16th & September 20th. The tax bills are available to print and/or pay online on the Hancock County website: www.hancockcounty-il.gov. Tax payments can be mailed to PO Box 248 and made out to Hancock County Collector. Payments in the office can be made with a credit/debit card, check, cashier’s check, money order, or cash. Property tax payments can also be made at any Hancock County Bank with barcoded payment stubs. Credit card payments are charged a 2.25% fee by the credit card processor, or $2.00 for an echeck.
Mobile home tax bills were mailed April 4, 2024 and were due June 7, 2024. Mobile home penalties are $25 per month with a $100 maximum.
Any questions regarding tax assessments, address changes and exemptions can be directed to the Assessor’s office at 217-357-2615. Questions regarding delinquent taxes from prior years or tax levies and rates can be directed to the County Clerk’s office at 217-357-3911. Questions regarding current tax payments, online pay, due dates, penalties, tax sale and tax sale registration please contact the County Treasurer’s office at 217-357-3986.
The county treasurer shall receive and safely keep the revenues and other public monies of the county, and all money and funds authorized by law to be paid to the treasurer, and disburse the same pursuant to law. The county treasurer shall also give monthly and quarterly reports to the county board summarizing the financial status of the office.
The county treasurer also acts as ex-officio county collector for the county and is also responsible for collecting property tax and disbursing the monies collected back to the taxing bodies in a timely fashion.
The treasurer of Hancock County is also the IMRF agent for the county and is responsible for the payroll for all county employees.