Sheriff's Office
Sheriff Travis Duffy
Jail Visiting and Rules
Jail Administrator
98 Buchanan Street
Carthage, IL 62321
Office 217-357-2115
Fax 217-357-3035
The Hancock County Jail was opened in January 1987. It is a state of the art facility utilizing a podular indirect supervision design. The facility has been used many times as an ideal model for other counties new jail construction. The jail has a current capacity of housing a maximum of 54 inmates. These inmates are housed, based on security level, sex and type of charges. Maximum security inmates are housed in single cells, other inmates in double or single cells, and in a dormitory type area.
The jail houses three basic types of inmates, those who are awaiting bond or a trial, those who have been sentence to serve time, and those who are being held for other agencies. The average daily population is around 30 inmates with about 15% being female.
Religious services are offered weekly to all inmates.
Notice: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, all visitations will be by appointment only. Please contact the Hancock County Jail at 217-357-2115 and speak to the jail staff regarding your visit.
Visitation for inmates is held twice weekly. The visits run from 15 to 30 minutes in length and are monitored. Each inmate may have one visit per week after the inmate has been in custody for a seven day period. The visiting days are Wednesday and Saturday; female inmates at 12:30 pm and males at 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Any other visiting arrangements must be approved by the Jail Administrator.
Visiting Guidelines
- Inmates serving a sentence of periodic imprisonment, such as weekends or work release, are not eligible for visitation privileges.
- Inmates may see a maximum of four immediate family members, including but not limited to, spouse, girlfriend or boyfriend. Friends will not be allowed.
- Any person on a visitation list that creates a problem for staff may have their visitation rights revoked.
- Persons under the age of 17 shall be accompanied by an adult with picture identification.
- Visitation between parties involving any known order of protection or no contact order shall not be permitted.
- Visitors may not have been arrested in the last 30 days or be a co-defendant in a current case.
Inmate Correspondence
All written or typed correspondence to inmates from family or friends must be sent through the U.S. Postal Service. This mail may be subject to inspection for contraband prior to delivery to the inmate. Inmates are allowed to receive and send mail.
The address for the jail is:
Inmates Full name
98 Buchanan Street
Carthage, Illinois 62321
Inmate Property
Inmates in the facility are provided with the essentials of life, including clothing, meals, hygiene items and medical services.
Inmates are allowed certain personal items:
- Books and magazines (no pornography), puzzle books, no newspapers.
- 10 Pictures (no nudity) but not larger than 5 x 7.
- White under clothes; t shirts, boxers, underwear, long underwear (must be new in the package, no tank tops)
- Any other items must be approved by the Jail Administrator.
Inmates may buy items off the commissary and use commissary telephone calling cards. Inmates are allowed to have unlimited funds on their account. Family and friends may place money on an inmate account 24 hours a day. This is done in the lobby area of the facility. Additionally money in the form of a money order may be sent through the mail or done on line by going to Jail ATM. No personal checks are accepted for any reason.
Inmates may be bailed out of jail 24 hours a day 7 days a week, using cash, money order or a credit card. This is done in the lobby area of the facility or by contacting Jail ATM. No personal checks are accepted.
You can view a complete list of inmate rules, regulations, and information here
Contact Us
98 Buchanan Street
Carthage, IL 62321
Office: 217-357-2115
Fax: 217-357-3035