Supervisor of Assessments
Michael McVey
Frequently Asked Questions
Township Assessors
What are the duties of the township assessors?
The duties of the township assessors include locating, listing, and assessing all property in their township or multi-township jurisdiction, checking occupancy of residences, and assisting taxpayers in the assessment of their property.
Board of Review
What are the duties of the Board of Review?
The duties of the Board of Review include hearing assessment complaints, granting senior freeze exemptions, reviewing non-homestead exemption applications, and ensuring fair and accurate assessment of Hancock County property. After the assessments have been published by the Supervisor of Assessments, the Board meets for 30 calendar days from 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:30 Mon. thru Fri. except legal holidays.
Who is on the Board of Review?
Debbie Linkemann, chair
Tyler Sellens, vice-chair
Troy Pierce, member
Geographic Information System (GIS)
What is the Geographic Information System (GIS)?
Maps and Mapping
Hancock County is developing a GIS mapping system that contains aerial photography, parcel boundaries, soil maps, rural land uses, and street layers to name a few. It allows us to zoom into any area in the county and have information available with a click of the mouse. Our goal is to have that capability added to this web site in the future. B&W Aerial photography and parcel boundaries are available now on CD or by email. Contact the Supervisor of Assessments Office for costs and details.
Illinois Department of Revenue Property Tax Division
What are the duties of the Illinois Department of Revenue Property Tax Division?
The property tax division of the Department of Revenue duties include developing guidelines for local assessment officials, the calculation of sales ratio, county equalization factors, certification of farmland productivity index values, state assessed railroads, coal, mineral and pollution control facilities, non-homestead exemptions, assessor education and assisting taxpayers, legislators and local officials.
How can I contact the Illinois Department of Revenue Property Tax Division?
Illinois Dept. of Revenue
Property Tax Division
101 West Jefferson Street
Springfield, Illinois 62702
1 800-732-88661
8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB)
What are the duties of the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB)?
The Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB) is a quasi-judicial body made up of five Members and a professional staff which serves the Board. The Board was created in 1967 to provide an unbiased forum for taxpayers and taxing bodies outside of Cook County that are dissatisfied with property assessments. The burden of proof before the Board is “equity and the weight of evidence” and not constructive fraud. The Board determines only the correct assessment of property. The amount of your tax bill or the tax rate used to compute it are determined by local county officials and may not be appealed to the Board. Likewise, the Board can not exempt your property from taxation.
The Board’s five Members are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the State Senate. The Members serve six year terms, and no more than three may be from the same political party. The Governor designates a chairman.
Appeals are heard by a professional staff of hearing officers who are either qualified appraisers or attorneys. Hearings are set in the county seat of each county as required throughout the year and are open to the public. They are conducted according to rules established by the Board. The rules are less formal than those in a courtroom, and the Board is considered by many to be a “poor man’s court” where a taxpayer can get a fair hearing without hiring an attorney or paying filing fees.(from the PTAB website)
How can I contact the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board (PTAB)?
Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board
402 Stratton Office Bldg.
401 South Spring
Springfield, IL 62706
Illinois General Assembly
What is the Illinois General Assembly?
The Illinois General Assembly is comprised of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their duties are to draft and vote on legislation as a representative of the constituents of their local jurisdiction.